Electrospray combined with DBV Technologies equals anti-allergy patches!
Companies have been trying for years to find ways of alleviating the sufferings of those unfortunate enough to be affected by allergies. Their efforts have had mixed results, but this could be about to change. Go to www.dbv-technologies.com/en and you’ll see how.
DBV Technologies is a French medical research firm which has been working with some exciting new approaches to diagnosing and treating several major allergies, including peanut, cows’ milk protein and hen’s egg. One of the central components of their research is the use of electrospray technology, more about which can be found at http://www.dbv-technologies.com/en/viaskin-technology/electrospray. The electrospray sprays a jet of fine protein particles onto the adhesive Viaskin patches shown below. These proteins are antigens – substances that trigger an immune response in the body. Using very small amounts of the antigens to which the patient is allergic and introducing them to the patient’s body in order to ‘tolerize’ it over time is called desensitization. By using patches rather than injections to do this, DBV Technologies could offer an excellent alternative treatment for pediatric allergies. This is particularly relevant to cows’ milk protein allergy, which usually affects babies and younger children.